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Fried Bolognese, or Fried Ballooni, is one of their old school sandwiches. Soft white bread, mustard gnouves and crunchy fried bologna!


Fried Ballooni Sandwich

I know the title says “fried bologna sandwich” but does anyone really say it “bologna?” We don’t. It is nonsense to us. So I guess I should have put the title on this fried stir fry because we don’t really say the sandwich portion either. Understandably, when you say you want some fried shit that sandwich refers to.

Bologna fried on soft white bread with mustard, cut in half


Tips for making fried bologna:

+ For those of you who have enjoyed fried nonsense, chances are you will be interested in how you like it. There are all kinds of techniques, toppings, and spices that people love. And you may like it, no matter how your mother made it. Of course, this will always be the way to go.


+ But if you haven’t already, it really is delicious. If you don’t cut any slits in it, it will bulge into bowl shape. I like cutting the small triangles and frying them separately for a separate crisp treat but you can just cut the cracks as well.


+ If tomatoes are in season, the slice of delicious ripe tomatoes on top is out of this world. It’s all about what you grew up with. But no matter what you put it on, it’s still a cheap but delicious sandwich that takes you back to your childhood.



* Ingredients


Paulownia – Any variety will do the trick. Some people prefer thick, tasty slices


Bologna and others are good with prepackaged bologna.


Bread- Bolognese fried sandwiches are traditionally made from white bread, but any bread is fine.


* Ingredients :


° Cheese Slices


° May mustard


° Tomatoes


° Onion


° Fried bologna


* Preparation :


Spray a skillet or heat a small amount of oil over a medium-high heat. While the pan is heating up, prepare the Paulownia. If you bought bologna from deli, you don’t need to remove the red tip, but if you use Bar S or Oscar Meyer, you will need to remove and get rid of the red edge. Spread mayonnaise or mustard (or the sauce of your choice) across the muffins, and chop up any vegetables you might want to add. Bologna cooks very quickly, so it is best to prepare it before putting it in the skillet.


Once you’ve removed the red edge, toss the bolognese into the pan. Sizzling like any other sausage. You will soon notice that the center is beginning to emerge. Once you notice that the bubble cuts two X slits in the middle. This will prevent the meat from twisting while frying. (Some people like to cut paulownia before the skillet. Some even cut notches along the outer edge.)


Fry bologna for three minutes on each side over medium heat. The perfect piece of fried bologna lightly charred, giving it a caramel taste.

When bologna is readiness, removing it from pan & placing it on a paper towel to realize grease. You can even pat a bolognese stir-fry. Then put bologna on your bread, put cheese on it, and add tomatoes and onions if desired. Grab your favorite potato chips and dip your teeth into an East Texas sandwich.

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