Lasagna recipe


* ingredients :

+To prepare the lasagna

°20 sheets of lasagna

°125g grated IGP Gruyere

°500 grams minced meat

°400 gm peeled and chopped tomatoes

°3 onions

°8 cl olive oil

°chopped parsley

+To prepare the bechamel sauce

°50 cl of milk

°40 grams butter

°30 grams flour

°Salt or fine salt


°coconut pulp

* Methods:

Preparing the lasagna

Pre-cook the lasagna in boiling water for 1 minute, and cook it twice a second.

Lay out paper towels.


Preparing bolognese-sauce

Fry chopped onions in olive oil for 5 minutes. Then add the minced meat and fry. for 4 minutes, to color it. Add tomato pulp, salt and pepper and simmer for 10 minutes.


Prepare bechamel sauce

Melt the butter in a saucepan over a low heat. Add the flour and heat, stirring, until the mixture becomes a honeycomb shape.

Gradually adding cold milk while stir.

Stir constantly until the sauce thickens.


Preparing the lasagna

Preheat the oven to 210°C or 7°C.

In each individual dish (or a large group dish), you now just have to alternate a little béchamel sauce, a layer of lasagna, a layer of bolognese sauce, a layer of béchamel, a layer of lasagna, etc.   We finish with the bechamel sauce and cover with grated cheese.


Bake for 20 minutes, until the béchamel is golden brown.



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